Since the last entry, a few things have happened in relation to the club. Where do I start? How about - the first thing I can think of. Okay.
There was a JKA England National Course held at Wellingborough which included training for all grades as well as a DAN grading for Shodan & Nidan afterwards. We had 3 students attempting their grading; Ben and Dave C were trying for Shodan but were unfortunately not successful. Nicole was grading to Nidan and was successful. Nice birthday present to herself as the previous day was her 18th! We had a great turnout from TSKC too with a 12.1% yield. Hahahaha.
On 16th February, we held a special KYU grading course in Winslow. This was a 2 hour course for all those - and others if they wished - to have a 'lesson' concentrating solely on the elements of the syllabus for their grading which was due to take place the following Sunday. We had 32 attendees and was very well received.
The following Sunday was the first KYU grading for TSKC of the year. Our grading examiner was Gary Stewart 5th DAN JKA and JKA England Squad Coach. A small grading in comparison to previous gradings but this was complemented by students who wanted to just train - in the first class in particular. There were no temporary passes and I was pleased with the performance of the majority of the students. Well done! Charlie D performed extremely well and double graded from Red (8th kyu) to Green (6th kyu) belt.
On 24th February my daughter passed her driving test! Yay! Well done Grace.
On March 2nd the Instructor and Referees exam took place in Egham. Just need to wait for the results.
Finally, Carlos had asked to host a Kumite course for Purple belts upwards. Again, it was a specialised course, 2 hours duration and held at the Winslow dojo. A hearty 19 students attended an extremely informative and worthy course. Thank you all for attending and supporting TSKC.
22nd March - MY BIRTHDAY!!!
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